World Elephant Day

96 elephants die everyday for ivory. USA imports more ivory than any other country in the world. Elephants connect us to our Root Chakra. They are wonderful spirit animals for Prosperity and Money. Their ivory tusk is actually their incisor teeth and can grow 1-3 inches a year, occasionally reaching 10 ft. in length and 200 lbs. in some males. The trunk is boneless and contains around 100,000 muscles and tendons.  It can kill an animal with a single blow, pick up a dime of the ground and hold 1 ½ gallons of water.

Elephants live in tightly organized matriarch society.  The matriarch is usually an older female, and the herd is made up of her female relatives and offspring. They communicate using subsonic sounds as well as about 10 sounds audible to humans.  These infrasonic sounds can travel up to 6 miles and will help different herds keep in contact.

Check out: and find out what you can do to help the largest land mammal survive!

Thanks to ZooAtlanta for awesome elephant facts.

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